In the underwater of Šibenik-Knin County, research was conducted on several known and potential speleoobject locations. In exploration dives we found and recorded five speleobjects - submerged caves. Each of the cave objects was geolocated, the dimensions of the objects were measured, and a photo-documented habitat was recorded. One of the most interesting locations was a geological phenomena and a interesting semi-closed ecosystem of a Dragons Eye Lake near town of Rogoznica. Project was conducted in partnership with Public Institution for protected areas in Šibenik-Knin County - Priroda (Javnom ustanovom za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima i drugim zaštićenim dijelovima prirode Šibensko-kninske županije PRIRODA)
Microplastics poses a major problem for the marine environment, both in the column of water and sedimentation on the sea bottom. The most convenient habitat for the study of sedimented microplastics is sediment bottoms on which we did initial microplastic analysis in the marine environment of our Adriatic coast. The focus of this research was organisms on this sediment bottom - sea cucumbers. We have collected these sea invertebrates in various locations along the middle Adriatic - Kornati islands, Dugi otok and Silba. Since they consume organic matter from the sea bottom sediment, these organisms are an excellent example of how many plastic particles pass through the digestive system of marine organisms. The research was conducted in collaboration with BsRC scientists and researchers from Italy. Results of the research are published in following papers with our members within the main authors:Renzi M., Blašković A. et al (2018) Plastic litter transfer...
Microplastics in the marine environment is an unexplored phenomenon in the eastern Adriatic. The most convenient habitat for the study of precipitated microplastic are sediment bottoms, and that is why those habitats were used for basis microplastic analysis in the marine environment of our Adriatic coast. Sediment samples were collected in Telašćica Nature Park and in them we defined for the first time the quantity and type of plastic litter (microplastics) in the shallow sediments. The research was organized within the Master thesis filed trip research of the member of the 20000 Leagues in collaboration with BsRC scientists and researchers from Italy and the Faculty of Science in Zagreb. Results of the research are published in a paper Blašković A. et al (2017) Plastic litter in sediments from the Croatian marine protected area of the natural park of Telašćica bay (Adriatic Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 114:583–586.
Lastovo Island and few smaller archipelagos, one of which are Lastovnjaci and Vrhovnjaci, form the Marine Protected Area of Lastovo Island Nature Park. The area of Lastovnjaci was researches over a period of two years (2014-2015) during which marine habitats were mapped and an inventory of species was noted. In addition, detailed mapping was done in the areas of the Nature Park where no-take zones should be established. In 2014, first research was done on mapping of marine habitats in the area of Lastovnjaci and inventory of species. That gained us insight into the richness of the Park's flora and fauna. We also paid attention to the invasive species and recorded their existence on the sites where they were observed. The same activities have continued with future field research. Along with them, on Lastovo we educated Park visitors about the importance of responsible eco-friendly behavior, and we demonstrated our research...
The mapping of marine habitats within the Natura 2000 ecological network sites was carried out on several locations throughout the Adriatic. First projects began in 2011. When mapping marine habitats, at most locations, inventarization of species was done, with a focus on macrozoobenthos. Projects of mapping marine habitats in Natura 2000 sites: Hvar Island (partners with Biology Students Association - BIUS) „Mapping of marine habitats in Natura 2000 site around Šćedro Island“ – 2011. „Mapping of marine habitats in Natura 2000 site of Kabal peninsula“ – 2012. „Mapping of marine habitats in Natura 2000 site around Jelsa on Hvar Island“ – 2012. Cres-Lošinj archipelago „Mapping of marine habitats in Natura 2000 site on west coast of Cres Island“ – 2013. „Mapping of marine habitats and macrozoobenthos species inventory in Natura 2000 sites in Cres-Lošinj archipelago“ – 2014. Zadar County „Mapping of marine habitats in Natura 2000 site SE part of...
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