The EVS program is part of the Erasmus + EU program that enables young people from all over Europe to volunteer, learn, travel and improve their social and professional skills by volunteering in another country. With this project, we hosted one volunteer (Carolina) for a period of several months as a part of “Marine Ecology and Nature Protection in the Adriatic – MENPA” project. The project enabled Carolina to become an integral part of the Society and participate in all the activities of the association, from educational projects to those of research. As a great lover and connoisseur of sharks, Carolina complemented our educational program and held numerous lectures to young students from Croatia and around the world about her area of interests. Also, she gave the students an insight into numerous options for inclusion in the work of associations and organizations through volunteering in projects such as the EVS program. Through her volunteering service she has made impressive creative contributions to promotional and educational materials of 20000 Leagues, and had rounded off her activities with a series of blogs about her experience in Croatia. (BLOG menu):
Project was co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU and actually program is a part of the European Solidarity Crops (ESC) Mediator of the project is the National Agency for mobility and EU programmes.
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