The City Library maintains a regular children version of Marine Tuesdays called “Mali morski utorak”. 20000 Leagues members together with partners participate in this program. Workshops were held with the aim of introducing children to some of the most common species of marine organisms. These are the organisms we find in the tidal area; like limpets, barnacales and snails, as well as colorful algae and seaweed in deeper parts
Children learn the best with examples, live material and use of tools, like microscopes and magnifying devices. Talks about mutual connections, production of oxygen and secrets of the sea we still need to unravel intrigued the children and motivated them to ask many questions and give us many interesting answers.
Marine Explorers Society 20.000 leagues gathers ambitious, comprehensive and creative researchers whose primary interest is marine biology. Members of the Society have wide and professional experience in organizing and carrying out various projects.
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