Workshops "Habitat Directive" and "Protected Marine and Coastal Areas in Montenegro" were organized at the Institute for Marine Biology in Kotor on November 19th. The issue of protected areas, and in particular the development of the Natura 2000 network in Montenegro, has become increasingly relevant to Montenegro's accession to the European Union. We have responded to the invitation of our dear partners from MedCEM, who are co-organizers of this event as part of the project "Empowering legal fisheries in the future Montenegrin MPAs." We presented our research on fish communities in Croatian MPAs compared with fish communities in Montenegrin future MPAs that we did in 2017. Also, we shared our knowledge and experience in collaboration with Public Institutions and stakeholders, citizens, fishermen, etc. and what can be the role of an NGO in the process of forming a Natura 2000 network.
From 7th till the 12th of October Dubrovnik was the host of the 24th Ocean Optics conference The conference attracted experts and scientists from 35 countries across the world. Main organizer of the conference is The Oceanography Society (TOS). A diverse audience of active practitioners in the field, including oceanographers, marine ecologists, limnologists, optical engineers, marine resource managers, and policy professionals from around the world gathered in Dubrovnik. 20000 Leagues participate in the conference with a poster presentation from Hrvoje Čižmek with a theme of: The base of the food web and its key players: a case study of the oligotrophic southern Adriatic Sea. The research behind the presentation was a common effort of a lot of experts, most noticeable some of them from the Faculty of Science from Zagreb, The Ruđer Bošković Institute and NASA.
From September 19 to 23 we participated in the 13th Croatian Biological Congress. In addition to presenting a broad spectrum of our activities, research and interest, we have enjoyed absorbing knowledge and news from our colleagues! Hrvoje Čižmek presented the research on microplastics in sea cucumbers, noble pen shell research from the Small lake of Mljet National Park and the research on the fish community with silent diving; while Barbara Čolić presented a study of fish communities depending on the habitat types. See you on the next one in three years.
We participated in the event of a panel discussion about plastic "Dijalog: Mikro ili makro - plastika u moru je problem" Celebrating World Environment Day this year we spent in Zagreb where we were invited by our partners from Terra Hub Croatia to the Dialogue Discussion event in Zagreb. For the purpose of this thematic-oriented discussion on the problem plastic, and marine litter especially, the organizers gathered representatives of the public, economic and civil sectors in one place to find a way to counter plastic pollution. We have had the honor that our efforts in this fight against plastic have been recognized and we were invited to present, to our other important stakeholders, our knowledge and the experience we have gained with microplastic research and beach monitoring. Organisation: Terra Hub Croatia aMORE - festival moru Embassy of Sweden in Zagreb Participants: Pokret Otoka / Island MovementD Greenpeace Hrvatska Greenpeace Hrvatska...
"Little school of echinoderms" or "Bodljoškolica" - educational program about biology and ecology of echinoderms Educational workshops for elementary school students have always been one of the main educational activities of our association. This year, we decided to focus on education about organisms whose importance is often ignored - we often do not understand their role - and their diversity we can not even imagine - so we started Bodljoškolica! Echinoderms are a diverse group of animals that gathers species from the class of sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and crinoids. We often encounter them, but rarely pay them a lot of attention. During May, we first did the Bodljoškolica workshop with elementary school pupils from the Goveđari School in the National Park Mljet where we held the workshop in the beautiful setting of the Great Lake surrounding us. Familiar with many myths, misconceptions and interesting things...
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