Marine litter is a common sight on the beaches of Silba, whether it has been washed out from the ocean, brought by wind, waves or currents. According to the users of these beaches they often lack any form of infrastructure for collecting this marine litter. Therefore, we have secured the infrastructure together because we are fighting against marine litter together! Marine litter in the sea is not only the one that is on the seabed and which we remove by cleaning the seabed, but also the one that floats on the surface of the sea and due to the action of waves it is often washed out on the beaches. This marine litter is a problem both for the surrounding vegetation of the coastal area and for a number of living communities that spend their developmental stages, and also their life, in this area. Also, people certainly do not want...
We have written to you many times in the last two years about the fact that our dear noble pen shell has been almost completely subdued by a dangerous parasite, 😔 both in our country and in the Mediterranean. But we have also been writing something else- a scientific paper- which finally, after months of waiting, saw the light of day! The noble pen shell is endemic and the largest shellfish in the Mediterranean sea, and can grow up to 120 cm in height. It is distributed throughout the Adriatic on the sedimentary bottom of shallow coastal areas, and many of us know it by different names: lostura, loščura, palastura. The ecological role of this species is extremely important because it filters and retains large amounts of organic matter from suspended detritus, which contributes to increasing the transparency of seawater. In addition, it provides a hard base for colonization in...
Active Youth for Sustainable Development - AMOR is an Eko-Zadar project implemented in partnership with the Public Institution Natura Jadera and the Elementary School Nin. At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, the members of the Society participated in the working meetings of the education program for sustainable development "Solidarity and active action for sustainable development" which is being developed within the project AMOR - Active Youth for Sustainable Development. Topics that were the subject of our conversation were diverse - encouraging personal interests and desires of students, the importance of sustainable development, human rights, climate change, development of activities in the local community,… Given the many years of experience from members of the Society in conducting educational workshops on marine protection and the environment, we are recognized as valuable partners who with their advice and experience have contributed to some new ideas and visions of this...
While BIUS members joined us in monitoring the Posidonia meadows in the Natura 2000 areas of Šibenik-Knin County, we also joined BIUS members in their activities of their last big field - on Zlarin. The 20,000 Leagues Society also gave their contribution to the BIUS Field held on Zlarin in 2019, called "Insula Auri". Members of the Biology Group had to join us in monitoring posidonia at the stations near Zlarin, and we joined them… conducting an educational workshop for local primary school students, in which we showed exactly what “marine explorers” do… … and by participating in the beach and underwater clean up action in the Magarna bay in the south of Zlarin. Author: Đina Nola (BIUS)
The 7th EMSEA Conference was held from 16 to 20 September 2019 in EXPOLAB, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal with the main focus on the 14th global goal of sustainable development - Life Below Water. During September 2019, the President of the Society, Hrvoje Čižmek, participated in the seventh conference organized by the European Marine Science Educators Association - EMSEA. EMSEA is an international non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening and popularizing the need for knowledge about the sea "ocean literacy" in Europe - the term "ocean literacy" means understanding the impact of the sea on man and man's impact on the sea. EMSEA provides a platform for education in various European regional seas, and at its conferences encourages the presentation of new and successful approaches to education in the field of marine science. For this purpose, the topic of Hrvoje's presentation was "Can Young People Really Help With Science? The Showcase...
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