Through several dynamic weekend workshops (Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd) we wanted to experience the natural resources of Silba, together with the islanders, from a different perspective – so we organized workshops to provide all interested parties with tools and means to get acquainted with the recognizable insects and plants of this wooded green island, explore them, observe them and learn useful things that can contribute to their own development as well as the development of the island in a sustainable way.
Through the workshops, we learned a lot ourselves and have already agreed on new activities for the spring – when we will be greeted on Silba by a completely different flora and fauna than this autumn.
We learned more about the natural wealth of the island of Silba!
We got to know Silba insects and what their role is! We learned why insects are important and we extended their stay by setting up an insect hotel!
We dedicated ourselves to “cooking” natural cosmetics and learned why it is crucial for our health and the health of the whole island!
And we have even refuted the common misconception that producing your own cosmetics is expensive and difficult!
We also got an insight into ways of enriching the tourist offer of the island of Silba and that is to base the offer on knowledge of natural heritage and sustainable use of natural resources.
On Saturday, we hung out with the insects at a field entomology workshop. We set up different insect traps and talked about many methods of determining and collecting them. On Sunday morning we built a hotel for insects that we will regularly observe in the settlement. And at the end of the weekend we had a long three-hour workshop on making natural cosmetics, during which we made two types of soap, two types of balms – for hands and lips, natural toothpaste, a universal cleanser and the last – bath bombs.
This weekend workshops are part of the Society’s project “Let’s connect nature and society – Silba” which is the beginning of a future short program of non-formal education which seeks to better understand the natural wealth of the island in the form of medicinal and essential plants and insects that inhabit the island for a new type of tourist offer based on the natural heritage of the island and products and services from nature used in a sustainable way.
As part of this project, until its completion, we have a few more little things to show you – and the first of them will follow soon – an online photo exhibition of entomological photography of an educational nature (Author of the exhibition: Mia Knjaz)
This project is carried out with the financial support of the City of Zadar, Administrative Department for Economy, Crafts and Island Development. The content and activities of the project are the sole responsibility of the Society 20,000 Leagues and under no circumstances can they be considered as a reflection of the position of the City of Zadar.
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